Landscape Industry-A New Chapter For Landscape Architecture? | FACULTY OF DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE
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Landscape Industry-A New Chapter for Landscape Architecture?

Landscape architecture has been in Malaysia for almost 50 years. There has been a slow growth to the field until the construction boom in 1998 with Putrajaya development approach favours landscape architecture to be applied. Today, Putrajaya is among some live showcases of how landscape architecture is being applied and impacting society. Then, until today the field can be classified into a few scale projects namely landscape regional planning, masterplan, and small-scale projects. Other projects would be considered specialised and sometimes could not make it to the industry highlights. 

Recent significantly positive development of the field is that it is being redefined based on an industry - the landscape industry. As an intersectional field, the Ministry of Human Resource redefines the field and classifies its division into few areas. 

The divisions are Scientific and Technical, Administration and Support, Manufacturing, Heritage and Conservation and Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing. It is surprising to know that the new expansion of the industry would include landscape architecture as the catalyst for other divisions. It means that landscape architecture would be the field that would provide the inception of what the divisions would develop, use, and maintain, especially for the division public places. For so long, landscape architecture would be seen in the trivial context of building projects that diminishes the real potential of the field to sustainable development. 


In academia, the significant redefinition of the field through landscape industry would pave a significantly positive way for the profession quality service and work deliverance. It is also a calling that recognises the field and industry significance to the country. The opportunity must be utilised for all aspects of regulation, standard, education, training, and practice of the professional. Through continuous effort in redeveloping the landscape industry and landscape architecture, it would engender positive development in many other fields, that is most importantly, for the common good.

Image from TravelScape on Freepik

Dr. Mohd Sallehudin Mat Noor

Pensyarah Kanan
Fakulti Rekabentuk dan Senibina,
Universiti Putra Malaysia


Date of Input: 19/10/2023 | Updated: 19/10/2023 | uswahhasanah


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan